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Be a #ClimateVoter in 2024.
It's time.
Because the climate can't wait
We've all seen the headlines about record heat waves, stronger storms, and worrying weather patterns. 🥵
And yet, climate change is at the bottom of voters' issues this election. We know are lots of serious problems in the world, but our planet can't take 4 years of delay!
Do something.
Vote for the climate in 2024.
Crowdsourced. Crowdfunded.
Let's do this together.
Support the project
We're collecting money to fund this website, climate content, and advertising the #ClimateVoter campaign online. We want to build as much buzz as we can to keep climate change top-of-mind in 2024's election. Your dollars will help spread the word about how and why to vote for pro-climate candidates!
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